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Recent COA Actions

ARTS-COA actions on 2024 Annual Reports.

The COA met on August 30 and September 13, and reviewed and discussed Annual Reports.  Affiliate school reports were approved with the exception of Graystone which is due by the time of the Annual Meeting October 31st.  Member schools have made significant progress in resolving items form the letters of Notation issued in 2023.  Letters of notation were issued to Birmingham Theological Seminary, Grace Bible Theological Seminary, Greenville Presbyterian Theological Seminary, Sangre de Cristo Seminary, The Toronto Baptist Seminary and Bible College and Western Reformed Seminary.  Most notations revolved around requests for further clarification of items in the annual reports.  Some responses are due by the Annual Meeting this October 31st. For other items, schools have until next August 1st to resolve all notations.  The new rubric which the ARTS-COA uses to determine if a standard is met, partially meets, or does not meet a standard is located here.

ARTS-COA Site Visit Results for Covenant Baptist Theological Seminary.

On September 10, 2023 the COA site visit team finalized its letter of findings to the Covenant Baptist Theological Seminary (CBTS) administration in response to the site visit on July 25,26.  The site visit team consisted of Dennis Bennett, Thad James and Patrick Morgan.
The COA site-visit team compiled a list of 10 notations.  In addition, two substandards, 4.3 and 4.4 were judged to exceed expections.  CBTS was found to be in Partial Compliance with ARTS Standards: 1.5; 2.1; 2.2; 2.6; 5.8; 6.1; 6.2; 6.3; and 7.7. CBTS was found to be in Non-Compliance with 2.3.  CBTS is now working on their response. Following the receipt of their response the ARTS-COA will vote on a letter of Commendation and Continuance.

COA Approval of Site Visit Response for Western Reformed Seminary (WRS).

Update: On January 28th the COA received provided and received further information from WRS indicating that standards 2.2, 2.3, 6.3 and 10.5 would be addressed in their annual report.
On January 19, 2024 the COA approved the WRS self-study response to the site visit.  Since the site visit the COA found that WRS has fully satisfied the criteria for Standards 2.1, 4.5, 5.3, 6.2, 6.6, 7.1, 7.5, 7.8, 7.10, 8.3, 11.2, 11.3 and 11.4.  The COA concured with the plans proposed by WRS to fully meet standards 1.5, 2.5, 2.9, 4.6, 5.1, 5.2, 5.7, 6.1, 6.4, 6.5, 7.7, 11.1 and 11.3 with evidence to be submitted in their 2024 annual report. The COA provided further instruction to WRS for standards 2.2, 2.3, 6.2, 6.3 and 10.5, with evidence to be submitted in the annual report.  The COA commends WRS for their substantial improvements since receiving the site visit report.

WRS Site Visit Results for Western Reformed Seminary.

On October 13, 2023 the COA site visit team finalized its letter of findings to the Western Reformed Seminary (WRS) administration in response to the site visit on September 12-13.  The site visit team consisted of Dennis Bennett, Thad James and Dana Blair.
The COA site-visit team compiled a list of 29 notations.  WRS was found to be in Partial Compliance with ARTS Standards: 1.5; 2.1, 2.2, 2.9; 4.5, 4.6; 5.1; 5.7; 6.2, 6.3, 6.6; 8.3, and 10.5. WRS was found to be in Non-Compliance with 2.3, 2.5; 5.2, 5.3; 6.1, 6.4, 6.5; 7.5, 7.7, 7.8, 7.10; 11.1, 11.2, 11.3, and 11.4.  WRS is now working on their response. Following the receipt of their response the COA will vote on a letter of Commendation and Continuance.

MAS receives Letter of Commendation and Continuance.

The COA voted on September 7th to approve a letter of Commendation and Continuance to Metro Atlanta Seminary.  The accreditation period will be good for 10 years.  Thad James, chair of the site-visit committee, reported that members of the site-visit team were satisfied in MAS’s responses in resolving the 11 notations issued to them on April 29th, 2023.

COA actions on Members Annual Reports.

The COA met on September 7th, and reviewed and discussed Annual Reports.  Letters of notation were issued to Birmingham Theological Seminary, Covenant Baptist Theological Seminary, Greenville Presbyterian Theological Seminary, Sangre de Cristo Seminary, and The Toronto Baptist Seminary and Bible College.  Most notations revolved around requests for further clarification of items in the annual reports.  Schools have until next August 1st to resolve all notations.

COA actions on Affiliate Members Annual Reports.

In COA meetings on August 11th and 25, the COA approved the Affiliates Annual Reports for:  Heidelberg Seminary, Log College and Seminary, Memphis City Seminary, New Geneva Seminary, Reformed Baptist Seminary and Seminario Reformado Latino-Americano.  The COA requested additional information from Carey International University of Theology, Tyndale International Univerity and Whitefield Seminary and granted a 30 business day extension for annual report submission to Greystone Seminary.

Site Visit Team Results for Grace Bible Theological Seminary.

On May 30, 2023 the COA site visit team conveyed its letter of findings to the Grace Bible Theological Seminary (GBTS) administration in response to the site visit on April 18-19.  The site visit team consisted of Dennis Bennett, Kyle Kearbey, and Dana Blair.

The COA site-visit team compiled a list of 23 notations.  GBTS was found to be in Partial Compliance with ARTS Standards: 1.5; 2.1, 2.3, 2.5; 3.5, 3.6; 4.6; 5.6; 6.2, 6.4, 6.5; 7.8; 8.3, 8.7, 8.10; 9.3, 9.4, 9.5; 10.1, 10.3 and 11.3.  GBTS was found to be in Non-Compliance with 8,8 and 8.9.  GBTS is now working on their response, which is due in 60 business days following the delivery of the site-visit report.

Site Visit Team Results for Metro Baltimore Seminary.

On April 29, 2023 the COA site visit team conveyed its letter of findings to the Metro Baltimore Seminary (MBS) administration in response to the site visit on March 21-22.  The site visit team consisted of Kyle Kearbey, John Battle and Patrick Morgan.

The COA site-visit team compiled a list of 11 notations.  MBS was found to be in Partial Compliance with ARTS Standards: 2.4, 2.5, 4.6, 5.2, 6.4, 6.5, 7.10, 8.1, 8.10, 9.5 and 10.2.  In follow up conversations with MBS they are working on their response, which is due in 60 business days following the delivery of the site-visit report.

The MBS site visit team also commended MBS for the strength and focus of their programs.

First Team Meeting for Grace Bible Theological Seminary

On March 17th, the Site Visit team for Grace Bible Theological Seminary held their first meeting.  Above, top L-R, Dana Blair and Glenn Hoyle. Below, L-R, Kyle Kearbey and Dennis Bennett.  The site visit will be held April 18-19 in Conway Arkansas.


COA Action on Metro Atlanta Seminary 5-Year Reaccreditation.

At its regularly stated meeting on February 10th, 2023, the COA reviewed a letter of notation to Metro Atlanta Seminary (MAS) in response to their 5-year reaccreditation visit, subsequent follow up report, and an MAS response to the report.  (More information about site-visit reports and process is found in this blog post.)

The Letter of Notation documenting discrepancies is based on a two-thirds decision of the ARTS-COA.  In the case of MAS, the newly revised ARTS-COA rubric for assessing compliance with standards was employed. Our rubric specifies that institutions must fully meet all the criteria for sub-standards in order to be in compliance with the full standard.  Institutions receiving a letter of notation remain full members, but are expected to respond to the letter within 60 days, and resolve all issues noted within 12 months after the date of the notation.  (Policies and Procedures, Section 1.d.iii)

Accordingly the COA is seeking from MAS further details regarding a curriculum overview showing a plan for resolution for standards 2.4, 3.5, 5.2, 5.3, 6 and 10.5.  We mention these items to be in compliance with ARTS-COA Policies and Procedures, Section 4.a.ii.

While further clarification is being sought on the above items, the COA also commended MAS for the many other improvements which MAS has implemented as a result of the site-visit report.



From the Director

ARTS achieves CHEA recognition

At its meeting on May 13, 2024, the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA) reviewed the recommendation of the CHEA Committee on Recogntion regarding the recognition application submitted by the Association of Reformed Theological Seminaries-Commmission on Accreditation (ARTS-COA).  The Board of Directors accepted the Committee recommendation and recognized ARTS-COA for the following scope of accredition: 

ARTS Commission on Accreditation accredits United States-based institutions and other locations as determined by the Commission on Accreditation, which offer baccalaureate and/or graduate degrees in fields aimed at preparing students for Christian service and ministry through biblical and theological studies of Reformed traditions. (2024)

CBTS Site Visit Team– July 25-26, 2024 at Covenant Baptist Theological Seminary — Owensboro, KY

Members of the ARTS-COA site-visit team meet with CBTS faculty and staff in their facility in Owensboro, KY.  (L-R) are Kyle Kearbey, Patrick Morgan, Rex Semard, Brice Bingham, Sam Waldron, Glenn Hoyle, Roberto Soriano and  Blake Cassell  Members of the COA site visit team were Dennis Bennett (Via Zoom), Thad James and Patrick Morgan.

2024 ARTS Annual Meeting — Date and Location Set.

The 2024 ARTS-COA meeting will be held on the campus of Metro Baltimore Seminary, Thursday October 31 – Friday November 1, 2024 in Marriottsville, MD.  More details will be forthcoming.

ARTS Annual Meeting — October 5-6, 2023 at Covenant Baptist Theological Seminary — Owensboro, KY

2023 Annual Meeting Group photo

It was a tremendous joy to see all of you at the Annual Meeting in Owensboro, KY. Representatives from all schools attended either in person or virtually.  It was encouraging to meet old friends, make new ones and catch up on what everyone was doing.


Western Reformed Seminary Site Visit, Puyallup, WA – September 12-13, 2023

Members of the ARTS-COA site-visit team meet with WRS faculty and staff in their facility in Puyallup WA.  (L-R) are Thad James, Christopher Lensch, Tito Lyro, Scott Hollander, Dennis Bennett, Dana Blair and Glenn Hoyle.  Members of the COA site visit team were Dennis Bennett, Thad James and Dana Blair.


Grace Bible Theological Seminary Site Visit, Conway Arkansas – April 18-19, 2023

Members of our COA site-visit team are pictured above as they meet with GBTS faculty and staff in their facility in Conway, AR.  GBTS faculy and staff (In the top picture facing the camera are L-R) are Jeff Moore, Owen Strachan, Preston Kelso and John Winham.  Members of the COA site visit team at bottom are (L-R) Dennis Bennett, Kyle Kearbey and Dana Blair.

The members of the site-visit team express their appreciation for the hospitality extended to them during this visit.


 Metro Baltimore Site Visit – March 22-23, 2023

It was a pleasure to work with our COA team on our recent site visit with Metro Baltimore Seminary.  Above, L-R, Dr. Adam Feldman (MBS), Kyle Kearbey, Dr. John Battle, Dr. Patrick Morgan, Dr. Glenn Hoyle and Dr. Dan Passarelli (MBS).

Thank you Metro Baltimore for the exceptional hospitality you extended to us.


Glenn Hoyle, Executive Director, ARTS


New COA Members

The ARTS COA welcomes two new public representatives to the COA in 2023.

Dr. Patrick Morgan has an extensive history of service in the local church.  Currently he is an Associate Professor in Church History, Old Testament and Pastoral Theology at the Heidelberg Theolgocal Seminary, Sioux Falls, South Dakota.

Dana Blair is a specialist in cloud cybersecurity focusing on microsegmentation and workload security along with inventing, architecting and implementing IT solutions.  He develops business strategies and manages financial operations and leads teams for delivering cybersecurity services.


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