The Association of Reformed Theological Seminaries

Meeting the need for an accrediting organization dedicated to Reformed Theological Education.

Mission Statement

The mission of the Association of Reformed Theological Seminaries (ARTS) is to preserve and advance the academic quality, accountability, and improvement of institutions committed to educating students in the tenets of Reformed Theology.

Core Values

ARTS is committed to bringing glory to God by contributing to the building of the Church, the progress of God’s Kingdom, and the preservation and advancement of the Reformed tradition by providing a context in which the Association, the Commission on Accreditation, and member institutions can hold one another accountable for fulfilling their individual purposes and commitments.

As an accrediting agency, ARTS is recognized by the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA) for the following scope of accreditation:

ARTS Commission on Accreditation accredits United States-based institutions and other locations as determined by the Commission on Accreditation, which offer baccalaureate and/or graduate degrees in fields aimed at preparing students for Christian service and ministry through biblical and theological studies of Reformed traditions. (2024)

What is ARTS?

Listen to representatives of our member schools share what ARTS is and how it has helped them to be a better school.

Member Institutions


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Why Join ARTS?

An Accrediting Organization Dedicated to Reformed Theological Education

Bringing Accountability, Quality, and Continuous Improvement to Seminary Education

Committed to Bringing Glory to God

“We greatly benefited from its membership with the Association of Reformed Theological Seminaries. It has found the Association’s commitment to the pursuit of educational excellence and to the Reformed faith is exemplified in its member schools to an encouraging degree.”

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